Saturday, April 30, 2011

1001BestWays-Comp: Just Ask Someone. - One thing that I've learned about being around computers for more than ten ye...
1001BestWays-Life: You Can't Run From God. - I have learned that you can't run from God. I tried for years until I r...
1001BestWays-Family: Pretend It Didn't Happen. - My father is the outgoing man who says politically incorrect things...
1001BestWays-Coach: Baseball: Worst Batter Bunting. - Bottom of the ninth in my minor league baseball team with runn...
1001BestWays-Creativ Write Down Meditations. - At night, when trying to get to sleep, I meditate and let my mind wan...
1001BestWays-Happy: Jesus Makes Me Happy. - Jesus makes me happy!  Before I was a Christian, I was lost, and my life...
1001BestWays-Plants: Pay Attention To pH. - If growing in open ground (i.e. not in an isolated pot), make sure the p...
1001BestWays-Romance A Little White Rowboat. - The most romantic night ever was the night I brought my girlfriend ou...
1001BestWays-Money: Hiding Money. - Get a tin can of a empty green bean can or empty corn can. Save the lid from the...
1001Best-Mortality: Fearing For Child's Life. - The thing I find most comforting when dealing with another's death i...
1001BestWays-Holiday Read "The Three Trees". - Every Christmas eve night my grandmother read a children's book calle...
1001BestWays-Divine: Take The Moment For What It Is. - The divine is all around us. The best way to connect is takin...
1001BestWays-Health: Eat Snacks. - I try to eat 3 small meals a day with snacks every 2 hours. This duration of eati...
1001BestWays-Career: Always Polite. - I always try to find different ways i could advance in my career. I have great...
1001BestWays-Cook: Let It Rise In The Dryer. - If you like to bake rolls and breads that require rise time then this...
1001BestWays-Travel: Out Of State Parks Are Just As Good. - When traveling across country to see our great national ...
1001BestWays-Earth: Helping Neighbors Recycle. - I have been collecting recyclables from everyone on my block. Peopl...
1001BestWays-Beauty: Neat, Properly Fitting Clothes. - It sounds basic, but I make sure my clothes aren't wrinkled a...
1001BestWays-Pets: Talk To Your Cat. - My cat loves it when I talk to her.  She looks right at me and sometimes she ...
1001BestWays-Kids: Let Them Be Kids. - I say let a kid be a kid and show them respect just as you would another adul...
1001Best-Relations: Make Breakfast For Your Partner. - If you do something wrong at night, cook breakfast in the mor...

Friday, April 29, 2011

1001BestWays-Life: Let Go Of Your Ego. - One life lesson I've learned is to let go of your ego. It's more important ...
1001BestWays-Fun: Learn To Juggle. - I love to juggle. It is a good way to increase mental focus as well as coordina...
1001BestWays-Comp: Scour Message Boards For Knowledge. - You can find almost anything on the internet, especially wh...
1001BestWays-Coach: Football: It's Time. - When Kevin Greene (linebacker's coach of the Green Bay Packers) went up t...
1001BestWays-Family: Love Them Anyways. - My grandmother is one of those people who knows everything. Her advice is ...
1001BestWays-Plants: Home-made Pesticide. - An easy solution to killing unwanted bugs in your vegetable garden can b...
1001BestWays-Plants: Home-made Pesticide. - An easy solution to killing unwanted bugs in your vegetable garden can b...
1001BestWays-Happy: Making Custom Outfits Makes Me Happy. - I take orders for personalized custom outfits and bows. ...
1001BestWays-Creativ Deliberately Exclude The Standard Procedure.
1001BestWays-Romance Mother's Day Weekend. - For my first Mother's Day, my husband gave me a whole Mother's Day Week...
1001BestWays-Holiday Take December Off. - I traditionally celebrate the holidays by not working the whole month of D...
1001BestWays-Money: Save A Set Amount Of Your Paycheck. - Open a savings account that earns interest. Deposit a set ...
1001Best-Mortality: Go Through Photo Albums. - The most recent person who passed away that I know of was my cousin. ...
1001BestWays-Divine: Be Part Of Creation. - Go out into natures. Be apart of what He created and be one with the ear...
1001BestWays-Health: Read While Exercising. - One thing I do to stay healthy is get on the elliptical at the gym, bu...
1001BestWays-Pets: Time-Telling Dog. - My dog has the ability to tell time. When ever my wife is about 5 minutes awa...
1001BestWays-Cook: Simple Quick Meal. - I developed a great quick meal that consist of just ground chuck, elbow maca...
1001BestWays-Travel: Pack Carry-On Only. - my best secret for travel is to pack only carry on bags. this saves hours...
1001BestWays-Career: Plan For A Business. - Planning! I am hoping to start my own business in the next 2 years. I am...
1001BestWays-Earth: Good Use For Canned Goods. - I have decided to recycle canned goods and to put better usage to o...
1001BestWays-Beauty: Put Some Time Into Your Hair. - Spend some time on your hair.  When I let my hair go grey, wear...
1001BestWays-Kids: Listen To Music With Your Kids. - I like to listen to music with them. You can learn a lot about ...
1001Best-Relations: Help Each Other. - The best thing to maintain a relationship is to help each other out. This mea...

Thursday, April 28, 2011

1001BestWays-Life: Forgive Abusers. Help The Abused. - Learn to forgive those who have abused you, but always rescue...
1001BestWays-Fun: Make Breakfast For Dinner. - The most fun thing to do is to make breakfast for night. Take this br...
1001BestWays-Comp: Keep It Updated. - Keep everything updated. Whether it's the operating system, firewall and anti-...
1001BestWays-Coach: Basketball: Want The Rebound. - I was never the greatest basketball player, but my junior high c...
1001BestWays-Comp: Keep It Updated. - Keep everything updated. Whether it's the operating system, firewall and anti-...
1001BestWays-Family: Just Fake It. - The best way to deal with your family is to fake it. Just smile and nod and bit...
1001BestWays-Creativ Teach Ballroom Dancing. - Creativity has always been second nature to me.  One major way that I...
1001BestWays-Plants: Don't Plant Too Early. - According to my grand father, "Thunder in February, frost in April."  ...
1001BestWays-Happy: All-You-Can-Eat Makes Me Happy. - One thing that makes me really truly happy is the occasional d...
1001BestWays-Romance 40-Minute Songwriting. - one day i came home from school and was talking to my girlfriend who w...
1001BestWays-Money: Don’t take A lot Of Money Shopping. - Whenever you go shopping, bring the bare minimum in cash f...
1001Best-Mortality: Can't Wait to Go Home. - The way I think of my death when it comes, I can't wait. I know that wh...
1001BestWays-Holiday Celebrate With The Departed. - I come from a family of 4 kids and when my dad was alive we alwa...
1001BestWays-Divine: Read Psalm 64:10. - I believe that the Bible is the Holy Word of God. One week the verse "Be st...
1001BestWays-Health: OJ With Calcium. - In order to stay healthy, I have been drinking a calcium enriched orange jui...
1001BestWays-Cook: Kool Aid Ice Cubes. - Tired of watered down drinks? Solution: make ice cubes out of your favorite...
1001BestWays-Beauty: Smile! - I passed by a window one day and the face I saw was so uggly. The corners of my mouth ...
1001BestWays-Pets: Snake As Child. - My snake is like my baby. I curl up with it and read to him. He even gives me k...
1001BestWays-Travel: Book Hotels Online. - A travel secret that I have learned is that booking online for hostels pr...
1001BestWays-Earth: Wash Your Ziploc Bags. - I have started washing out ziplock bags to reuse them. They are somethi...
1001BestWays-Career: Use Financial Aid For A Degree. - I have used financial aid and Stafford loans to support mysel...
1001BestWays-Kids: Don’t Scold Too Much. - Stop excessive complaining and nagging. If a parent is constantly complai...
1001Best-Relations: Be A Good Listener. - Listen! It's easy to talk, but how often do you listen? If you and your pa...
1001BestWays-Fun: Hang Out With Friends. - For me the best way to have fun is yo have my close friends over, cook fo...

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

1001BestWays-Life: Nothing Is Free. - I have learned that nothing is ever free, there are always strings attatched o...
1001BestWays-Comp: Use Firefox Or Chrome. - first lesson in using a computer is to use firefox or google chrome. INt...
1001BestWays-Coach: Basketball: Free Throw Practice Makes Game.
1001BestWays-Family: Lock Door. Screen Calls. - Best way to get through family events? Remember that they don't last...
1001BestWays-Creativ Start With A Basic Shape. - My recipe for creativity, especially with groups of special needs c...
1001BestWays-Plants: Sugar Water Your Plants. - My grandmother uses sugar water in her window boxes. She says the pl...
1001BestWays-Happy: Legos Make Me Happy. - I love building things out of Lego for therapy.  It makes me very happy t...
1001BestWays-Romance Propose In Front Of The Family. - The most romantic thing anyone has ever done for was when my ...
1001BestWays-Money: Look For Free Shipping. - Never buy anything online unless you have a discount code and free shi...
1001Best-Mortality: Death Can Tear Apart A Family. - My brother was suffering from migraines and went to the emergen...
1001BestWays-Holiday A Yankee Swap And A Secret Santa. - I come from a large family, one that only gets bigger every...
1001BestWays-Divine: Connect Through Actions. - I believe that there is a God that my spirit connects to through my ...
1001BestWays-Health: Limit Salt. - I limit salt severely. I eat hardly any sugar and especially avoid soda pop. For ...
1001BestWays-Pets: Treat A Dog Like A Friend. - I have a connection with dogs. I find that dogs can sense a person's...
1001BestWays-Beauty: Wear Good Cologne. - I wear a certain type of cologne. I spray a little on my shirt on the fron...
1001Best-Relations: Attend Church. - Go to church together every Sunday. And remember that if you have young childre...
1001BestWays-Travel: pack in accordance - I've always made sure to pack in accordance to TSA standards at the airpor...
1001BestWays-Earth: Reusable Lunch Bags. - I pack my lunch in a reusable bag. As often as possible, I pack the actua...
1001BestWays-Career: Take Advantage Of Tools. - One of the best and most convenient tools I used to advance my caree...
1001BestWays-Cook: Grind Your Own Pepper. - Always use freshly ground pepper when adding it to an item you are cooki...

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

1001BestWays-Life: Treat Others With Respect. - My life lesson us that you need to treat others with respect, as you...
1001BestWays-Fun: Work On An Old Ford. - The most fun i can have is working on my car. i love getting new parts and ...
1001BestWays-Comp: Partial Browser Update Resolution. - Partial browser updates and patches can make a browser unsta...
1001BestWays-Family: Smile And Nod. - My grandfather is starting to show signs of dementia or low grade Alzheimer's....
1001BestWays-Coach: Fencing: Need For Adrenaline. - I have only had one coach ever yell at me. She was the coach for...
1001BestWays-Creativ Get Dancing. - In order to get others to be more creative, I like to turn the music up and tell...
1001BestWays-Plants: Mix Dirt. - Mix the dirt you use. Mix 50 percent topsoil to 50 percent miracle grow potting soi...
1001BestWays-Happy: Blow Money Makes Me Happy. - Having debt can make you miserable as you struggle to get out. Yet ...
1001BestWays-Romance Drive 8 Hours For A Necklace. - My boyfriend ordered me a necklace from Tiffany's, but he accid...
1001BestWays-Money: Save With Coupons. - Believe it or not, my go to money saving secret is the tried and true coupo...
1001BestWays-Holiday Decorate A Tree With A Child. - The most special thing to me is decorating the tree with my son...
1001Best-Mortality: Make The Most Of It. - I just realize that everyone has to die. I don't believe in reincarnation...
1001BestWays-Divine: Realize The Beauty Around You. - The way I connect with the spiritual word is to realize the be...
1001BestWays-Health: Read The Label. - My best secret to staying healthy is, I always read product labels. I make su...
1001BestWays-Clean: Dryer Sheets On Crayons. - The best way to remove crayons from walls and many other surfaces in ...
1001BestWays-Cook: Sauces To Keep On Hand. - I think it is important to always have soy sauce, garlic, hot chili sau...
1001BestWays-Pets: Give Your Cat Space. - It is best to give a cat space.  They sure are tempting to want to pick up...
1001BestWays-Travel: Dine Away From Resort. - When staying on the grounds of a resort, it is best to not buy food an...
1001BestWays-Earth: Switch To Compact Fluorescent Bulbs. - While I try to do a number of things to do my part in hel...
1001BestWays-Beauty: Give Sincere Compliments. - I give sincere compliments and uplifting encouragement.  Unkind wor...
1001Best-Relations: Always say I’m Sorry. - Being will to admit that I am wrong. The two biggest words that keep my ...
1001BestWays-Kids: Don’t Treat Them Like Babies. - My one secret for raising kids is recognizing when it is time to ...
1001BestWays-Career: Do What Others Won’t. - Taking on jobs that others will not and complete the job .This my also ...

Monday, April 25, 2011

1001BestWays-Life: Look Back A Year From Now. - Whatever is happening right now, however bad it seems, if it is not ...
1001BestWays-Fun: Dance Your Heart Out. - Dancing is the ideal way to have fun and have the time of your life. Danci...
1001BestWays-Comp: Computers Are Never Wrong. - Computers are never wrong. They literally do exactly as they are tol...
1001BestWays-Happy: Dancing With My Dog Makes Me Happy. - It makes me insanely happy to put on music when I'm home b...
1001BestWays-Family: Talk Less. - I make the best of chaotic family time by saying very little. When everyone gets t...
1001BestWays-Creativ Use The Ordinary In New Ways. - I try to get people to use ordinary objects in a new way. I tel...
1001BestWays-Plants: Breathe On Them. - Plants love to be talked to.  If you talk or breathe near them, they get a r...
1001BestWays-Romance Bring Home The Amana Colonies. - This year my Mom hasn't been feeling the best as she's been ha...
1001Best-Mortality: Create A Ritual Commemoration. - A good way to deal with the death of someone important in your ...
1001BestWays-Holiday Spend The Holidays With Grandpa. - Every year for Christmas my family and I open presents at my...
1001BestWays-Money: Shop At Thrift Stores. - Check out your local thrift store. They often have gently-used or new c...
1001BestWays-Divine: Pray As Needed. - The way I connect with the divine is through prayer. I pray before meals than...
1001BestWays-Health: Just Stay Happy. - One thing I am doing to stay healthy is to stay happy. The happier you are i...
1001BestWays-Clean: Use A Razor In The Shower. - The best way to clean soap residue off of a glass shower door is by...
1001BestWays-Earth: Cloth Diapers For The Environment. - We always have used cloth diapers instead of disposable dia...
1001Best-Relations: Don’t Let Small Problem Grow. - We are always honest and open. If one of us feels a certain way,...
1001BestWays-Travel: Time In-between Flights. - One thing I have learned is when you are getting your reservation to...
1001BestWays-Beauty: Make Them Laugh. - I attempt to make people laugh.  i might not be able to solve their problems...
1001BestWays-Pets: Crouch Down. - My mom raises Golden Retrievers and i have been around dogs all my life. if you're...
1001BestWays-Kids: Be Your Child’s Teacher. - This has to do with getting your kids ahead of the game for school. Yo...
1001BestWays-Career: Read About Your Career. - Always read books about your specific career in your spare time. I ta...

Sunday, April 24, 2011

1001BestWays-Career: Improve Your Capabilities. - I don't say no to learning new things. The more cross-training I h...
1001BestWays-Life: Never Give Up. - My mom use to always tell me to "Never give up, do what you want to do and never...
1001BestWays-Fun: Play The Drums On Stage. - the most fun i have without drinking and partying is when i pick up my ...
1001BestWays-Comp: The Shortcut That Will Save You. - My favorite short cut is Control Z. I often delete an entire e...
1001BestWays-Coach: Wrestling: No Choosing. - A wrestling coach is always the best. They don't have to choose who pl...
1001BestWays-Family: Focus On What They Like. - My grandparents can be a little difficult to deal with sometimes. It...
1001BestWays-Creativ Monday Art Day. - My children and i have art day on Monday every week. We have a box of random ...
1001BestWays-Plants: Don't Be Afraid To Prune. - The key to a great plants is pruning.  Make sure to pull of dead le...
1001BestWays-Happy: Debt-Free Makes Me Happy. - The one thing that truly makes me happy is being debt free.  We've b...
1001BestWays-Romance Blindfolded Proposal. - I asked a girl to marry me once when I lived in Texas. I took her to ou...
1001BestWays-Holiday Shopping Brings The Family Together. - For me, we celebrate the holidays by always going shoppi...
1001BestWays-Money: Smaller Beverages. - If you are out somewhere, always buy the smallest beverage at the restauran...
1001BestWays-Divine: Connect Through Music. - I connect with the Divine when a piece of music, a breeze, a moment, s...
1001Best-Mortality: Push Through The Tears. - Just push through the tears. It seems hard but just push through them ...
1001BestWays-Clean: Giveaway Every 2 Years. - I like to have a giveaway day for all of the things I haven't used in ...
1001BestWays-Cook: Frying Chicken With Water. - A special secret that I like to use when I am frying chicken is once...
1001BestWays-Earth: Recycling Paper At Work. - at our work we have a recycle program where any papers we want to thr...
1001BestWays-Beauty: Buy A Wig Or Two. - Because my hair has gotten thinner as I've gotten older, I have invested in...
1001BestWays-Travel: Everything In Travel Size. - Get travel sizes of everything! It's the worst to have to buy new ...
1001BestWays-Pets: An English-Speaking Dog. - My dog understand english very well.  We talk to her all the time.  I ...
1001Best-Relations: Have Respect. - I always treat my wife with respect. Even when I think her ideas are coming from...
1001BestWays-Kids: Keep Your Promises. - Keep your promises. I've found it's very important to follow through on pro...

Saturday, April 23, 2011

1001BestWays-Fun: Be A Parrothead. - The most fun I have once a year is being a Parrothead and going to a Jimmy Buff...
1001BestWays-Career: Being Punctual Shows You Care. - I have always been a punctual person. It doesn't matter whethe...
1001BestWays-Life: Invest In People. - Life is way too short to worry about unimportant things. Make sure to invest ...
1001BestWays-Family: Don't Feel Required To Spend Time. - I have begun to treat family more like acquaitances if the...
1001BestWays-Coach: Baseball: Shortstop Humiliation. - At the age of 9 I had to play baseball with kids older than m...
1001BestWays-Comp: Reset Your Router. - A friend just got a new router for her internet. I said of course I can hoo ...
1001BestWays-Creativ Use Photography To Capture Moments. - They say that every picture can have people looking outsi...
1001BestWays-Plants: Buy Hardy Plants. - Provide enough sun and regular water and plants will do pretty well. Also, ...
1001BestWays-Happy: Babies Make Me Happy. - Holding a baby makes me happy.  Babies are so innocent and pure and full...
1001BestWays-Romance Draw Her A Picture. - I didnt have much money so for her birthday I drew her a picture. It had ...
1001Best-Mortality: It's Like Being Asleep. - For me as I get older I am having to accept more and more the fact tha...
1001BestWays-Money: Sell Unused Items. - I am always looking for items around my house that I no longer use and list...
1001BestWays-Divine: Become Friends With The Creator. - For me study of gods word ans meditation are key. I feel tha...
1001BestWays-Holiday Anticipation On Christmas Eve. - Christmas Eve is special in our home and we have family, frien...
1001BestWays-Clean: Baking Soda In The Bathroom. - My favorite way to clean my bathtub is to use baking soda. It doe...
1001BestWays-Health: Walk 4-6 Miles. - For me the best thing i do to stay healthy is walking. I walk 4 to 6 miles ev...
1001BestWays-Cook: The Perfect Omelet. - My cooking secret is making the perfect omelet. Are you sick of ugly, imper...
1001BestWays-Pets: The Autistic Feline. - I have an autistic cat! When she was a kitten, she would not look at me, a...
1001BestWays-Earth: Learning To Go Green. - Helping save the planet sending in all reusable items from plastic,paper...
1001BestWays-Kids: Support Their Activities. - I believe one of the most important thing in raising well adjusted ki...
1001BestWays-Travel: Travel At Night. - I enjoy driving in the evening. Less traffic and I don't have to worry about...
1001Best-Relations: Skip The Nagging. - My boyfriend and I stay together because we don't nag each other. We let eac...
1001BestWays-Beauty: Care For Yourself. - The key thing to staying beautiful is to care for and about yourself.  Aft...

Friday, April 22, 2011

1001BestWays-Fun: Make Lamps. - My idea of fun is making lamps, yes that is right, making lamps. You can make them o...
1001BestWays-Life: Just Be Your Best. - I've learned that I'll probably never be the best at everything, or even any...
1001BestWays-Comp: Think Before You Post. - The number one tip for internet is to think before you post anything, if...
1001BestWays-Romance Absolute Infatuation. - There is this girl in new york who from the day I saw her, became infat...
1001BestWays-Holiday Make Fudge With Grandma. - A tradition in my family for Christmas is we always go to my grandma...
1001Best-Mortality: Unless You Have Nepotism. - Come to terms with your mortality through the following statistic. 9...
1001BestWays-Money: Make Your Lunches. - One way we save money in our household is that I make lunches in the mornin...
1001BestWays-Divine: Read Psalm 83:18. - I feel that it is by means of reading the bible and personal meditation. Al...
1001BestWays-Pets: Watch Deer Together. - When my Jack Russell terrier was a puppy and first saw deer through the wi...
1001BestWays-Earth: Take The Bus. - I am doing my part in saving the planet by taking the bus to work most days. I w...
1001BestWays-Beauty: Wear Nice Makeup. - I wear nice makeup. I use a black kohl eyeliner to accentuate my eyes, and ...
1001BestWays-Travel: Stay In An Apartment. - Look for an open apartment before you travel. Apartments are often open...
1001BestWays-Kids: Discipline Is Key. - "I think discipline is the answer. Just because it combines a lot of other w...
1001Best-Relations: Use Laughter. - Make them laughit's so true. What makes them laugh might differ with the person ...

Thursday, April 21, 2011

1001BestWays-Fun: 80s Roller-Skating Party. - The most fun I've ever had is dressing up for an 80s themed roller-ska...
1001BestWays-Coach: Soccer: Making Dad Proud. - Soccer, one of my favorite sports. It all started in middle school, ...
1001BestWays-Family: Be With Them Where They Are. - One of the ways I survive certain family members is to accept th...
1001BestWays-Life: Thank You, America. - Life is amazing and we as human never know what tomorrow brings. I grew in ...
1001BestWays-Comp: Computers Are Only As Powerful As The User.
1001BestWays-Fun: Ziplining Rules. - I remember once when I came over o my friends house to go zip lining. We climbe...
1001BestWays-Health: Down 60 Lbs! - I am trying to loose weight. To accomplish this, I try to walk my dog several ti...
1001BestWays-Clean: Vanilla Kills Vinegar. - I mix vinager and vanilla together to clean all of my windows. The vina...
1001BestWays-Travel: Extra Set Of Clothes. - When traveling on a plane always make sure that you pack a change of cl...
1001BestWays-Earth: Don’t Throw Garbage Out The Window. - I keeep a garbage bag in my car, Instead of throwing wrapp...
1001BestWays-Cook: Never Jump States. - Very few people know this because we are so scared of bacteria in the USA: w...
1001BestWays-Beauty: Think Before You Speak. - To make myself more appealing to myself, I am very careful about thin...
1001BestWays-Pets: Rooster Fears. - My rooster is secretly afraid of doves. He acts fearless when they are on the gr...
1001Best-Relations: Stay Intimate. - Intimacy is the key. Your partner should be your best and closest friend. There...
1001BestWays-Kids: Build Friendship. - The best secret I have for raising kids is to build a friendship with your ki...

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

1001BestWays-Comp: Use Keyboard Commands. - The easiest way to speed up when working with computers is to use keypad...
1001BestWays-Fun: Ziplining Rules. - I remember once when I came over o my friends house to go zip lining. We climbe...
1001BestWays-Life: Feel The Sun And The Breeze. - Through all the trials and tribulations that I have gone through, ...
1001BestWays-Family: Redirect Anger To Laughter. - I have children who can easily get into a fight with one another ...
1001BestWays-Coach: Ice Cream After The Game. - The best coaching moment is taking all the kids for ice cream after ...
1001BestWays-Career: Being Noticed For Hard Work. - i am working very diligently to advance my career. i am doing th...
1001BestWays-Happy: Money Makes Me Happy. - Money makes my world go round. It keeps me content knowing I have money ...
1001BestWays-Creativ Be The Best Person You Can Be. - Being beautiful to me, means being the best person you can be ...
1001BestWays-Plants: Lots of Sunlight. - One of the keys to grow a plant that very few people actually follow is lot...
1001BestWays-Romance Wildflowers Bring Peace. - The most meaningful romantic gesture I've ever received was when my ...
1001BestWays-Money: Lock Your Card Away. - I have locked up my ATM card and my passbook savings book in my safe-depo...
1001BestWays-Holiday Hook Up With College Friends. - One of my favorite holiday traditions goes back to my childhood...
1001Best-Mortality: Blessed With Happiness. - I come to term with morality by just moving on while still remembering...
1001BestWays-Divine: Focus On What's Troubling And Give Thanks.
1001BestWays-Clean: Use Your Computer. - Take a picture of one of your rooms, load it on your computer, and flip it ...
1001BestWays-Health: Get Some Sun. - I get plenty of sunshine- it's a great source of natural vitamin D, and it's su...
1001BestWays-Cook: Make It From Scratch. - Make everything from scratch. For instance, lemon meringue pie filling is...
1001BestWays-Earth: Drive A Moped. - To help maintain a healthy environment, I drive a moped that gets 100 miles to ...
1001BestWays-Pets: Hang The Leash On The Door. - If you are trying to house break a puppy, hang its leash on the doo...
1001Best-Relations: Expect Rough Patches. - My husband and I have been married for eighteen years so there are many ...
1001BestWays-Travel: Windows Up. - A travel trip that I have learned when on a motor trip is not to put the windows ...
1001BestWays-Kids: Steady Home Environment. - Kids need a steady home environment to be successful. This home should...

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

1001BestWays-Fun: Be The DJ. - The most fun I ever have is when I sit in my room and DJ to myself. I use a Novation ...
1001BestWays-Life: This Too Shall Pass. - The best life lesson I earned through the years,is "This too shall pass". ...
1001BestWays-Family: Ignoring Them Is Bliss. - Our family reunions are always stressful because all of the "dysfunct...
1001BestWays-Comp: Back Up Your Important Files. - Computers don't care that your 2011 Tax file is more important th...
1001BestWays-Career: Improve Work Relationships. - The best thing I've done for my career is to try and get to know ...
1001BestWays-Creativ Give Up Drugs. - one thing i do to look better is i stopped doing drugs and looking dead all th...
1001BestWays-Happy: Prayer Makes Me Happy. - The best way to cheer yourself up is to pray to God. This works even if...
1001BestWays-Plants: Save Your Ashes. - My secret to the best perrenial garden is wood fire ashes. All winter long I...
1001BestWays-Romance Go Back To Where You Got Married. - Today, my husband whisked me away on a romantic road trip t...
1001Best-Mortality: Take Comfort In The Bible. - As a person with strong faith in the Bible I am very comforted by k...
1001BestWays-Holiday Ugly Sweaters! - Every year, my friends and I have an ugly sweater party. It's a perfect way to...
1001BestWays-Money: Credit Cards With Rewards. - Pay for everything using a reward credit card while paying off your...
1001BestWays-Divine: God Is Thought. - I feel the only divine power that controls me is my own thought. A thought is...
1001BestWays-Clean: Get On Your Hands And Knees. - Scrub your kitchen floor on your hands and knees. The movement is...
1001BestWays-Health: Keep Metabolism Boosted. - One of the main things I have been doing to lose weight is to eat 6 ...
1001BestWays-Cook: Cabbage And Beer. - The best way to make delicious cabbage is to boil it with Beer. This adds a s...
1001Best-Relations: Build Trust. - I believe in order to maintain a healthy and positive relationship is to have tru...
1001BestWays-Earth: No More Disposable Diapers. - I just had a baby boy and soon realized how many diapers he goes t...
1001BestWays-Travel: Stay Far From The Elevator. - I have learned when I reach a motel to ask to see the room, then ...
1001BestWays-Pets: Peanut Butter In Hollow Bones. - The secret is peanut butter and a long hollow bone. By puting pe...
1001BestWays-Kids: Open Communication. - My secret to raising kids is pretty simple. I believe in quality time and e...

Monday, April 18, 2011

1001BestWays-Fun: Play With Son. - The most fun that I have is when I am playing with my son on the floor. We either...
1001BestWays-Life: There Are No Friends. - The biggest life lesson I have learned is "friends" do not exist, only fa...
1001BestWays-Coach: Baseball: Never Picked On Again. - One time I had this kid on my little league baseball team who...
1001BestWays-Comp: Restrict Spam On Google. - The best new computer tip I have comes from the realm of Google. A fea...
1001BestWays-Family: Roll With The Punches. - I love my family, so I know that I feel like I can roll with the punch...
1001BestWays-Happy: My Cousins Make Me Happy. - What makes me happy are my 12 and 13 year old cousins and their Mom'...
1001BestWays-Plants: Graft Branches. - I love to graft branches from one plant to another similar plant. The secret ...
1001BestWays-Creativ Use Foot Cream All Over. - I use Dr. Scholl's overnight foot cream all over my body when I get ...
1001BestWays-Career: Improving Your Skills. - I am learning new skills, such as programming and graphic design. Sinc...
1001BestWays-Romance A Foot Rub And An Empty Dishwasher. - I believe that romance is in the little things. Who cares...
1001BestWays-Divine: Just Pray. - The best way to connect with God is to pray. That is the way to have personal comm...
1001BestWays-Money: Save On Utilities. - I only flush my toilet when i go number 2 never when i go number 1. and I a...
1001Best-Mortality: Writing Obituaries For A Newspaper. - One way I have come to term with my own mortality is by wo...
1001BestWays-Holiday Make Homemade Pizza. - My parents, siblings, nephews, niece, and I used to spend Christmas Eve ...
1001BestWays-Health: Have Multi-Generational Friends - Having friends from different generations is so good for emot...
1001BestWays-Cook: Sharp Knives. - Make sure your knives are sharp. More often than not you cut yourself because the...
1001BestWays-Earth: Over inflate tires. - I overinflate my tires just a bit to save fuel, they are suggested to be i...
1001BestWays-Pets: Treat Them Like Family. - My best pet secret is to treat your animals like family. If you are kin...
1001BestWays-Travel: Go Surfing. - The best tip for travel is to plan ahead. If you go online and search for great d...
1001Best-Relations: Maintain Self Happiness. - The most important aspect of any successful relationship is to mainta...
1001BestWays-Kids: Learning From Mistakes. - Letting them make mistakes. Many parents stop their children from doing...

Sunday, April 17, 2011

1001BestWays-Life: Life Is Hard. - First and foremost like any person who's been born into a life on planet Earth, I...
1001BestWays-Fun: Six Flags Rollercoasters. - One summer every other weekend me and my best friend would drive up to...
1001BestWays-Comp: Keyboard Shortcuts. - Learn the keyboard shortcuts for programs you use all the time. It will mak...
1001BestWays-Family: Remember That People Are Different. - The best thing I've learned for keeping family peace is t...
1001BestWays-Happy: Surprise Pizza Makes Me Happy. - One thing that makes me happy is a suprise when I come home fro...
1001BestWays-Coach: Baseball: Pinch Hit Grand Slam. - we were down 3 and i pinched hit for a kid and the kid came an...
1001BestWays-Creativ Find Beauty In Trash. - Watching the world, you can find beauty in everything- even the trash i...
1001BestWays-Plants: Just Pay Attention. - Aside from trial and error, the secret to successfully growing something ...
1001BestWays-Career: Follow Instructions. - I have always showed up on time for work. I try to never be late. I noti...
1001BestWays-Holiday Go Skiing On Christmas Day. - My family and I do not celebrate the holidays for religious reaso...
1001BestWays-Romance Home Cooked Meal. - The most romantic thing my wife has done for me is something as simple as m...
1001BestWays-Money: Make Your Own Gifts. - I learned to knit, and it has really saved me money on gifts. So far, in ...
1001BestWays-Divine: Into The Woods, Without Distraction. - I connect with my divine by going out into the open wood...
1001Best-Mortality: Discuss Your Beliefs With Someone. - Take some time to discuss your beliefs about the afterlife ...
1001BestWays-Clean: Roomba Saves Marriage. - If you hate to vacuum, get a robot to do it for you! My roomba robot va...
1001BestWays-Health: Try p90. - What I am doing right now to stay healthy is p90 workout program. It is easy to foll...
1001BestWays-Cook: The Vinaigrette Secret. - one of my prized cooking secrets involves making vinaigrette dressings ...
1001BestWays-Travel: Unique Luggage Tags. - Whenever I travel, I always make sure I have an identification tag attac...
1001BestWays-Earth: Recycle, Recycle, Recycle. - Recycle, Of course! This is the most effective immediate thing we c...
1001BestWays-Beauty: Have A Different Style. - When you want to appeal to a certain crowd of people you have to have...
1001BestWays-Kids: Let Them Explore. - Let your kid be themselves. Giving children options from a young age is empow...
1001Best-Relations: Ask Your Partner What They Need From You.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

1001BestWays-Fun: Basketball With The Boys. - The most fun thing that I do is to play basketball with my young sons....
1001BestWays-Life: Speak Up. - I'm a little shy. When I have something to contribute, I should speak up. I always fe...
1001BestWays-Comp: Mice Hate Dog Hair. - Dog hair gets into the little laser hole on the bottom of a mouse, causing ...
1001BestWays-Family: Same Party. Same Day. Different Times. - One side of my family is really religious and the othe...
1001BestWays-Coach: Proud To Be A Duck. - I love when Emilio encourages the Mighty Ducks to be proud of their team n...
1001BestWays-Happy: The Outdoors Makes Me Happy. - One of the biggest things that make me happy is the outdoors. Whe...
1001BestWays-Plants: Water The Bowl. - A huge problem with indoor plants is overwatering. Overwatering leads to disc...
1001BestWays-Creativ Do Something Helpful Every Day. - I inspire myself by doing something helpful or nice for someo...
1001BestWays-Holiday Last-Minute Shopping - Every year I write a very detailed list of everything I need to buy for ...
1001BestWays-Career: Advance With A Smile. - Here's some advice for advancing in your career. At almost every circum...
1001BestWays-Romance Diamond Plus Cave Plus Laser. - If you ever take your wife caving and she wearing the diamond y...
1001BestWays-Divine: Spend Time With Animals. - I connect with our creator when I spend time with animals. Either by...
1001Best-Mortality: Take A Bank Vault To The Grave. - Yes death has been promise to all and well have to make the be...
1001BestWays-Money: Save The Change. - Put all change in a jar, The cash the jar in at the end of the quarter or yea...
1001BestWays-Health: No Meat. - I have changed my diet so that it no longer includes meat. As a consequence, I don't...
1001BestWays-Earth: Glad Bag Team. - I joined a Glad Bag "cleanup team" online which sends a giant box of heavy duty...
1001BestWays-Cook: Crush Ice First. - When making a drink in the blender crush the ice first. Before making whatever...
1001BestWays-Pets: Lights, Camera, Lizards! - When my savannah monitor lizard seems to be bored i whip out my camera...
1001BestWays-Beauty: Wear What Makes You Comfortable. - What I try to wear what makes me feel comfortable. I do not ...
1001BestWays-Travel: Go Off Season. - I am considered unusual in my travel habits, because I try to go to places in ...
1001BestWays-Kids: Be Understanding. - One of my secrets to raising kids is to always be patient and understanding.I...
1001Best-Relations: Share An Interest. - Experience things together. You wouldn't be with this person unless you sha...

Friday, April 15, 2011

1001BestWays-Comp: Beware Magnets. - Magnets are an electronic device's worst nightmare. Magnets will damage or brea...
1001BestWays-Life: Your Best Family. - Friends are the best family a person can have. Without friends there is no la...
1001BestWays-Fun: Cocktails With Friends. - Out of all of the fun things there are to do, I'd have to say the most f...
1001BestWays-Coach: Get Your Priorities Straight. - If you don't have your priorities straight, team sports are not ...
1001BestWays-Family: Avoidance Is Underrated. - I have one tried and trusted method when dealing with family problem...
1001BestWays-Happy: Trivia Makes Me Happy. - Knowing interesting trivia makes me happy. Trivia on music, movies, his...
1001BestWays-Plants: Use Only Compost. - My secret is to use only composted fertilizer. All the leftovers from the f...
1001BestWays-Creativ Give Kids Art Supplies. - i inspire creativity in my children by just interacting with them and...
1001BestWays-Holiday Christmas Treasure Hunt - We have a treasure hunt every Christmas which is a tradtion that star...
1001Best-Mortality: Death By Tornado. - I know that there is one way and only way that I am leaving this world wheth...
1001BestWays-Romance Surprise Visit. - My current wife and then girlfriend without telling me once surprised me at c...
1001BestWays-Money: Save The Change. - I have a special money jar that I put all my extra change and money from the ...
1001BestWays-Career: The Business Of Communication. - Communication is the one of the most important aspects for a s...
1001BestWays-Divine: Subconcious God. - I definitely feel like there is a God but I don't think he's one that will m...
1001BestWays-Clean: Make A Big Pile - One of my favorite cleaning tricks is to save time by picking up all clutter f...
1001BestWays-Health: Nutrition Is Key. - Everyday nutrition is my main priority. I Eat about 3000 calories a day whi...
1001BestWays-Cook: Cinnamon Spaghetti Sauce. - My favorite cooking secret has to do with spaghetti sauce. When I am ...
1001BestWays-Earth: Reuse And Recycle. - I minimize the amount of trash I use. Other than the standard recycling bin...
1001BestWays-Pets: Lizards Carry Salmonella. - Lizards, turtles, and snakes are incredible animals and popular pets,...
1001BestWays-Kids: Teach By Example. - The best secret I have is to teach them by example. If kids are in a well beh...
1001Best-Relations: Be Yourself. - Just be yourself. If you try to be what you think they want, it will get you in t...
1001BestWays-Travel: Reduce Mental Distress. - The cliche philosophy that travel is about the journey, not the desti...
1001BestWays-Beauty: Long, Luxurious Hair. - I let my hair grow long!  I feel luxurious when my hair is long and per...
1001BestWays-Fun: Rent A Bouncy House For Adults. - I can not think of anything more fun than renting an inflatable ...

Thursday, April 14, 2011

1001BestWays-Comp: Use Virus Protection. - The best advice I can give someone is so not very computer literate is to...
1001BestWays-Family: Just Leave The State. - The best way to take care of a challenging situation with regards to yo...
1001BestWays-Life: Friends Matter. - one thing that i have learned in my lifetime is how important friends are. they...
1001BestWays-Coach: Soccer: Substitute Goalie. - I have coached a youth soccer team. It is wonderful to see a player...
1001BestWays-Happy: Working With My Wife Makes Me Happy. - One thing that makes me the happiest is working with my w...
1001BestWays-Creativ Browse Craft Communities. - I browse craft communities. They have great ideas for what I would ...
1001BestWays-Career: Be Dependable. - I learned that being at work everyday and on time is the best thing you can do...
1001BestWays-Romance Go Back To The First Date. - When i proposed to my wife. I took her back to the lake where we h...
1001Best-Mortality: Keep Them In Your Thoughts. - I pray to God for them. Then I go about my life as best I can. The...
1001BestWays-Money: Drink Water And Save. - One way that I have been saving is not buying my daily sodas at McDonald...
1001BestWays-Holiday Celebrate Chinese New Year. - To celebrate the Chinese New Year, my family has a tradition to g...
1001BestWays-Health: Add Distance To Your Ride. - As I ride my bike home from school or work I take a roundabout rou...
1001BestWays-Divine: Grandfather's Passing. - When my grandfather was gravely ill, he wanted to go back to his homel...
1001BestWays-Clean: Squeegie Your Shower. - Use either a car shammie or squeegie to wipe down the shower walls after...
1001BestWays-Earth: Do Your Part And Teach Your Kids The Same.
1001BestWays-Cook: Frozen Grapes Instead Of Ice. - Frozen Grapes are awesome icecubes for juice, koolaid, and fruity...
1001BestWays-Beauty: Skin Lotion For Bumps. - For me, keeping even and nice skin is a very good way to be attractive...
1001BestWays-Pets: Be Affectionate From Day 1. - My best pet secret is to show my dog lots of affection.  If you sta...
1001Best-Relations: Do Something Unexpected. - Every once in a while do something unexpected and kind for your signi...
1001BestWays-Travel: Avoid The Big Hubs. - I never fly out of the Memphis hub if I can help it. I usually drive to N...
1001BestWays-Kids: Let Them Feel Important. - The best thing to do with kid is letting them think they are doing som...

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

1001BestWays-Comp: Just Use Them. - I have found way through problems with computers and learned new ways to use the...
1001BestWays-Life: A Father's Trust. - My dad was about to be operated for a bypass surgery.Before taking him in the...
1001BestWays-Fun: The Beach At Sunset. - Being at my favorite beach watching the sunset. My children and I are playi...
1001BestWays-Family: Just Shrug It Off. - Whenever there is conflict within the extended family, just shrug it off. ...
1001BestWays-Coach: Lacrosse: Most Fun Wins. - "when i was 7 my lacrosse coach explained to me that winning isnt the...
1001BestWays-Creativ Never Take The Same Path Twice. - In my family we have used followed the belief that you should...
1001BestWays-Plants: Mow Your Daisies. - I live in a rural area.  A few years ago, a few wild dasies sprang up in my...
1001BestWays-Happy: Walking The Dog Makes Me Happy. - The happiest time for me is when I'm on a walk with my dog.  W...
1001BestWays-Money: Use Google Voice. - Set up an account with Google voice to use the same for calling free locally...
1001BestWays-Career: Education Promotion. - One of the best things I did to advance my career was go to graduate sch...
1001BestWays-Holiday Cookies And Clement Moore. - Every Christmas Eve my family gets all the kids together and we ba...
1001BestWays-Divine: Touch A Non-Conforming Rock. - When you look at a mountain you see layer upon layer of rock. Ea...
1001Best-Mortality: Strong Bond With God. - The best way to come to terms with your own mortality is to figure out w...
1001BestWays-Health: Get Some Me Time. - My health and fitness is very important to me; and in the past year I've do...
1001BestWays-Clean: Hairspray Away Stains. - Laundry is by far my favorite cleaning task, I live for stains. My clea...
1001BestWays-Pets: Catnip Tea For Toys. - Once a month, I make catnip tea, put it in a spray bottle, and spray my ca...
1001BestWays-Earth: Replace Junk With Plants. - I plant things. I go to places where people have thrown garbage and ...
1001BestWays-Cook: Rice Noodles Instead Of Wheat. - Rice Noodles. In trying to ween myself off white flour and pasta...
1001BestWays-Beauty: Stay In Shape. - i try to keep myself in decent shape physically, by going to the gym, running,...
1001Best-Relations: Appreciate Each Other. - The first thing every morning, I let him know how much I love him and a...
1001BestWays-Travel: Be Prepared. - One of the things that I have learned throughout my travels is to always be prep...
1001BestWays-Kids: Teach Independence. - Don't give them the answers or options. Wait for them to ask for whatever t...

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

1001BestWays-Life: Patience. - Patience is a virtue, especially while looking for a job.
1001BestWays-Fun: Go To Disney World. - Disney World is the most fun to me. I am twenty eight years old and do not h...
1001BestWays-Family: Open Heart And No Expectations - Some people find family situations very challenging. When I ap...
1001BestWays-Coach: Basketball: Foul Coach. - I was never good at sports. Despite this I played basketball through m...
1001BestWays-Happy: Grandkids Make Me Happy. - My grand kids make me happy. Watching them play and watching them lea...
1001BestWays-Creativ Make Homemade Cards. - I make my own homemade cards for any occassion. It actually cost more fo...
1001BestWays-Plants: Rap Music Every Morning. - I have found a secret technique that helps plants grow. They say tal...
1001BestWays-Romance Daily I Love You's. - Every morning I send a email or text to my fiance to say i love you. She ...
1001BestWays-Money: Don’t Use A Dryer. - Instead of using your dryer every time you need to dry wet clothes, hang th...
1001BestWays-Career: Advanced Knowledge. - Reading about the wonderful mind expanding world of psychology, self teac...
1001BestWays-Health: Cut The Junk. - I stay healthy by eating switching from chocolates and junk food for snacks to ...
1001BestWays-Cook: Boiling Sticky Items. - To transfer difficult or sticky items into boiling water, you can use wax...
1001BestWays-Clean: Bleach Out Blood. - To get blood out of a light colored carpet I always just dilute some bleach ...
1001BestWays-Pets: That Guinea Pig Squeal. - A lot of people I know that own Guinea Pigs, say that they wish they co...
1001BestWays-Earth: Shop At Thrift Stores. - I like to go to thrift stores and find things I can upcycle. I take old...
1001Best-Relations: Honest and Open To Rejection. - Be honest in what you want from your partner, pent up frustratio...
1001BestWays-Travel: Pack Snacks. - When we travel, we like to pack the car with plenty of drinks and snacks to elim...
1001BestWays-Beauty: Drinking Makes You Attractive. - The best way to make yourself more attractive is to take a sho...
1001BestWays-Kids: Pay Attention When Your Child Talks. - I think it's very important for a child to feel like what ...

Monday, April 11, 2011

1001BestWays-Life: Participate In The Arts. - Go to museums AND draw or paint or do needlepoint or scrapbooking. Att...
1001BestWays-Fun: Family Trip To The Amusement Park. - 3 years before all our family memebers went for an outing to ...
1001BestWays-Coach: Basketball: Help With Anorexia. - This special coach took one of her players aside after practic...
1001BestWays-Comp: Learn The Rules. - Computers operate under strict rules. You have to learn the rules because the ...
1001BestWays-Family: Put Them In Your Shoes. - If your parents give you grief over a situation, as them what they wo...
1001BestWays-Creativ Make Your Own Books. - In order to help my students at my old job learn, we made our own books....
1001BestWays-Plants: Light Matters. - I have found that the most important thing for growing plants is picking the p...
1001BestWays-Romance A Surprise In The Car. - I'd had a really bad day at work and got home before my husband. He wa...
1001BestWays-Earth: Becoming A Vegetarian. - I adopted a vegetarian diet. Meat requires about ten times as much land...
1001BestWays-Pets: Dog Therapy. - I think my dog can read my mind.  Every time I'm not feeling good, or feeling sad,...
1001BestWays-Travel: Make A List. Check It Twice. - Make a list of everything you need for your trip and the things ...
1001BestWays-Beauty: Pay Attention To Complexion. - I take lots of pride in my complexion. Having smooth, acne free ...
1001BestWays-Kids: Repeat Yourself. Repeat Yourself. - Repeat everything you say to the child over and over, so that...
1001Best-Relations: Keep It Light. - Never take yourself or your partner to seriously. People in relationships tend ...

Sunday, April 10, 2011

1001BestWays-Fun: Go Mountaineering. - I love to go mountaineering! The journey to the top of the mountain is often ...
1001BestWays-Life: Practice Eudaimonia. - I've always found Greek concept of eudaimonia to be inspiring. Aristotle e...
1001BestWays-Comp: Shop With Rebates. - When shopping at eBay and many other online stores, don't go to the merchant...
1001BestWays-Coach: Basketball: Amazing Inspiration. - it was half time. my coach whipped out the most amazing motiv...
1001BestWays-Career: Cooking For My Sons Makes Me Happy. - One thing that makes me very happy is spending time with ...
1001BestWays-Family: Stick Together. - My siblings and I are a lot different from our relatives, especially on mom's...
1001BestWays-Creativ Give Your Employees Freedom. - With my employees I give them the freedom to experiment with a d...
1001BestWays-Plants: Hydroponics. - One word Hydroponics. No one can screw up putting seeds in a box of water. You ...
1001BestWays-Romance A Claddagh And Joint Names. - There were two things I always wanted a potential mate to suggest...
1001BestWays-Money: Save At Home. - "i away save money in my save at home where no eyes can reach. i sometime take p...
1001BestWays-Holiday A Traditional Christmas. - To me, Christmas is spending time with my Dad's family. They know ho...
1001Best-Mortality: It's A Circle. - Life is a circle. We are all connected to each other. When a loved one dies, th...
1001BestWays-Divine: Speak Directly To God. - Every night before falling asleep I speak directly to God. I thank him...
1001BestWays-Health: Learn To Cook. - Learn to cook if you want to stay healthy. Learning new skills is great for me...
1001BestWays-Career: Advancing With A Smile. - I smile all the time. People enjoy being around a happy person who al...
1001BestWays-Pets: Watch Movies Together. - My cat and dog are really special to me. We all go for walks, including ...
1001BestWays-Clean: Car Polish Rocks. - Car polish is great for cleaning grease off of metal.
1001BestWays-Cook: Use A Pasta Spoon. - I have a fun little cooking secret that is great for preparing pasta. I boug...
1001BestWays-Earth: Newspaper Recycling. - I've been helping my elderly relative go green by taking in her newspaper...
1001BestWays-Travel: Learn To Pack. - One of the most important things is to pack lightly. This does not mean you do...
1001BestWays-Kids: Maintain Authority. - the most important thing when raising kids is to maintain authority. do not...
1001Best-Relations: Cook Together. - My husband and I cook dinner together once a week. Sometimes we make it into a ...

Saturday, April 9, 2011

1001BestWays-Fun: Fish With An Ultralight. - It would have to be fishing with an ultralight spinning rod and reelit'...
1001BestWays-Life: Small Moments Expand. - History happens in every moment, each moment creating the next. And the i...
1001BestWays-Comp: Windows Plus Scientific Equipment. - If you are going to be working with most computer compatible...
1001BestWays-Coach: Softball: Spit Like A Big Leaguer. - The time my high school softball coach showed us how to che...
1001BestWays-Family: Change The Subject. - I try to change the subject during a challenging family situation. Most o...
1001BestWays-Creativ Inspire Others. - I have found the best way to spread creativity is to share ideas about exciti...
1001BestWays-Happy: Meditation Makes Me Happy. - Make yourself comfortable in a darkened room, listen to some white ...
1001BestWays-Plants: Cow Dung. - Even though they are smelly and disgusting, cow dung is helpful for the growth of g...
1001BestWays-Romance Take Care Of Siblings. - I have 2 handicapped siblings, and because of that I found it hard to ...
1001BestWays-Money: Save With Direct Deposit. - The secret for saving money in these tough times is to direct deposi...
1001BestWays-Holiday Have A Chocolate-Filled Advent Calendar.
1001Best-Mortality: Keep It Out Of Mind. - The way that i deal with the looming reaper is the same way i feel most p...
1001BestWays-Divine: Partake In Positive Habits. - I feel most enlightened when I am partaking in the most healthy a...
1001BestWays-Health: Skim The Fat. - I love to make soups and have found that the lowest fat meats do not make for t...
1001BestWays-Clean: Comet And Muck. - To get super mucky tile floors clean, I like to use comet, a deck scrub brush,...
1001BestWays-Career: Taken Seriously Through Weight Loss. - Getting ahead at my job is pretty rough- we are a contra...
1001BestWays-Cook: Easier Deep Frying. - When deep frying virtually anything take a brown paper bag and fill it with...
1001BestWays-Beauty: Use Sesame Oil. - I use sesame oil to moisturize. It makes my face and body skin smooth and you...
1001BestWays-Pets: Consistency Prevents Accidents. - I have 2 dogs and have found that a regular schedule of going o...
1001BestWays-Earth: Public Transportation. - I take public transportation every day. Since I live in a large city, I...
1001Best-Relations: Learn From Others. - I got married just a few months ago, and my husband and I attend a young co...
1001BestWays-Travel: Go By Train. - I like train travel, because it's cheaper and more relaxing than flying. The kid...
1001BestWays-Kids: Earning Video Game Time. - My sons like to play video games. They earn points by behaving doing t...

Friday, April 8, 2011

1001BestWays-Fun: Gardening Is Awesome Fun. - My most fun thing to do with my clothes on is gardening. Growing thing...
1001BestWays-Life: Cut Your Losses. - I have learned the hard way over and over, unfortunately, that if you constant...
1001BestWays-Comp: Same Shortcuts, Different Programs. - One thing that helped me was when I understood that the sam...
1001BestWays-Coach: Football: Slow Kid Gets A Play. - Back in high school, there was a kind of sluggish child who wa...
1001BestWays-Family: Just Laugh About It. - I think the best way is to just have fun with your family. My family and...
1001BestWays-Happy: Live Music Makes Me Happy. - Few things make me happier than seeing good music performed live.  ...
1001BestWays-Creativ Do It Together. - I love art, and whenever I can I try to encourage my wife to join in a art pr...
1001BestWays-Plants: Grandma's Rose Tea. - My grandmother taught me to give my roses "a little tea".  After I brew t...
1001BestWays-Romance Fly In A Friend. - My wife is always thinking of great ways to celebrate my birthday. for our s...
1001BestWays-Holiday An All-Out Thanksgiving. - The most exciting time is Thanksgiving for my family. We have a whol...
1001BestWays-Money: Shop At Goodwill. - I always check the Goodwill store first when I need new clothes. They have g...
1001Best-Mortality: Sometimes It's A Blessing. - From the moment we are born, the clock starts ticking. After watchi...
1001BestWays-Divine: We're All Connected. - We all are already connected with the divine without even trying. The en...
1001BestWays-Health: Chia Seeds. - To stay healthy, I am eating a few servings of chia seeds every day. Chia is a co...
1001BestWays-Career: Accurate Measures. - As a carpenter, using a circular saw is esential, as is cutting accurately...
1001BestWays-Clean: Multi-Task During Kids' Baths. - If you have a child and you dont have time to clean here is a q...
1001BestWays-Cook: Baked Chicken Secret. - I make the best baked chicken because it is always moist and juicy and ne...
1001BestWays-Earth: Designing A Compound. - I'm working on designing an environmentally friendly and self sustaining...
1001BestWays-Pets: Teach Hand Signals. - I had a Boston Terrier named Kabuki that I loved to death. All I would have...
1001BestWays-Beauty: Read Proverbs 31:30. - Desire to be the woman God wants me to be.  "Charm is deceptive, and bea...
1001Best-Relations: Be Protective. - To keep my healthy relationship, I am and act protective of my girlfriend, but ...
1001BestWays-Travel: Condos And Time Shares. - Look into condo's or time shares in the area. You can rent them for l...
1001BestWays-Kids: Be A Parent And Show Love. - I would say the best advice for raising well children is to love the...

Thursday, April 7, 2011

1001BestWays-Fun: Watch Sea Creatures. - I love to go to the indoor walk-through aquarium at the Mall of America in ...
1001BestWays-Life: Procrastinate. - Patience is a side affect of procrastination. Patience usually leads to good res...
1001BestWays-Comp: It's All Done By People. - All information that is contained in computers was inputed by humans a...
1001BestWays-Coach: Basketball: Big Easter Basket. - My favorite coach was my uncle. There was a basketball game whe...
1001BestWays-Family: snobby,criticizes fights - I find the easy way to cope with situations between my siblings is ...
1001BestWays-Creativ Listen To Your Favorite Musicians. - When I'm trying to create a new song on guitar, I listen t...
1001BestWays-Happy: Creating Makes Me Happy. - Whether drawing digital pictures, taking photographs, doing cross sti...
1001BestWays-Plants: Talk To The Garden. - What we do to take care of our plants is water and weed the garden.  I so...
1001BestWays-Romance Geek Romance. - My husband isn't the typical flowers-and-chocolate-and-cards kind of guy. Inste...
1001BestWays-Holiday Make Speingies With Grandma. - My favorite holiday tradition is making "speingies" wiht my gran...
1001BestWays-Money: Save The Change Program. - I save all of my change. My bank offers a program that rounds each pu...
1001Best-Mortality: Think About Before Your Birth. - When I worry about death and the hereafter and what it might be...
1001BestWays-Divine: Go To A State Park. - I go to one of the state parks near our home, a half hour drive. I try to...
1001BestWays-Health: Two Miles Per Day. - Even though it sounds very straightforward, walking briskly for two miles ...
1001BestWays-Clean: Dishwasher Soap Rocks. - Use dishwasher soap to clean everything. It can clean your sink, your b...
1001BestWays-Career: Upgraded Education. - I am upgrading my medical abilities by going back to school to learn surg...
1001BestWays-Cook: The Perfect Smoothie. - I make the perfect smoothie by using frozen all natural blueberries, and ...
1001BestWays-Earth: Reuse Shower Water. - I have a bucket I keep in the bathroom. When I shower I take the bucket wi...